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Week of March 23

Posted Date: 3/23/25 (6:15 PM)

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E.A. Cox Middle School

March 2025

A green background with the words 'Spring Break' in white text, surrounded by flowers and bees. The dates 'March 31 - April 4' are written in yellow text below.

Hello Cougar Families

Wow, what a busy week! This past week was filled with sports, field trips and celebrations. Our spring sports team have shown dedication and resilence. It's been a weather roller coaster and all of our teams have had to pivot at the last minute for one reason or another. Our 8th graders are in full transition mode, as they start planning their high school classes. We took our zoned kids to BCHS for a tour and both CHS & SHHS came over for an informative visit. Zoned CHS students will take a trip to tour their school later this week (make sure to turn in your field trip forms). On the subject of transitioning schools, some CMS ambassadors visited with 4th graders at all three feeder schools to help prepare them for middle school. Student Council toured the state capitol this week to learn about government. And finally, we all took part in World Down Syndrome Day to raise awareness and donations. Be sure to check out our Facebook page for updates and photos!

BIG ANNOUNCEMENT from the district: On-line registration for the 2025-2026 school year will go live starting April 1st . Out of Zone applications will be available online, at all school locations, and central office starting Monday, March 24th. Out of Zone applications can be submitted April 1st- April 30th. All students attending MCPS schools for the 25/26 school year are required to complete on-line registration using your Parent Vue account. If you intend for your student to attend a school out of your zoned location - applications must be submitted to the intended school of choice. If your student is currently Out of Zone this year, you must reapply for next school year.

This is final week before Spring Break. There will be no school for students and our building will be closed March 31 - April 4th. Staff and students will return on Monday, April 7th.

When we return from Spring Break, we will begin preparations for TCAP. We encourage you to polish your routines to include adequate hours of sleep, good breakfast and arriving to school on time. Students who are not in class before 7:45am on test days, potentially may not be able to test with their class. Late students will be sequestered while testing occurs and then required to make up testing in the afternoon. Please adjust your schedule for your student to arrive on time. If you are able to schedule appointments around the testing window or later in the afternoons, we would greatly appreciate it.

Please have a conversation with your student about taking the TCAP seriously. Our staff and students have worked very hard to improve academics at CMS. We're excited for our cougars to show what they know - but they have to try & give it their best!
A colorful announcement for TCAP testing, with the dates April 14-25, 2025, and a countdown of 11 school days left.
A flyer for a Veterans Food Drive at E. A. Cox Middle School, with a list of items needed.

Food Drive

Our 5th & 8th grade classes have taken this challenge seriously! Mr. Gobbell has 193 items, with Ms. Weaver very close behind! Mrs. Jones 8th grade class is in third place!

Our 6th leads with Ms. Whittington, 7th grade top spot goes to Ms. Reed. There is still time for the other classes to make a comeback with a little over a week left!

We would love to have at 2,000 items to donate. That is just 3 items per student - completely obtainable goal.

Please start donating items from the list to your homeroom teacher. Student council will be around to collect and count during 1st period.
A black and white yearbook cover with the title '2025 Yearbook' and the school name 'E A Cox Middle School'. The cover also includes the price of $35 and the last day to order, 3/24/25.

Yearbook Order - Last Day 3/24


Extra yearbooks will NOT be available - you must order if you want to own a piece of 24/25 Cougar memorabilia.

Click the link below to finalize your order!
Order Yearbook Here
A flyer for Battle Creek High School's 8th Grade Night, featuring a bear mascot and string lights. The event is on Monday, March 24th, and includes a school tour, meeting staff and teachers, and learning about CTE programs, sports, and clubs.

Battle Creek High School

March 24, 2025
A colorful announcement for transitioning to Central High School, with dates for school tours and a family night.

Central High School

March 27, 2025
A colorful poster announcing Pajama Day on Friday, March 28th, with the text 'Kick off Spring Break in comfy pjs.'

Pajama Friday

Wear your favorite comfy pajamas on Friday, March 28th for just $2.

Track and Field team appreciates your support!

Dress code applies
A flyer for a bowling fundraiser at E.A. Cox Middle School on April 4th from 12pm to 2pm. The flyer includes contact information and details about the event.

Spring Break Fun For You - A Little $ For CMS

Friday, April 4th - Tenn Pin and CMS are teaming up for a fun filled Friday! 2 games of bowling with shoes for just $20. Add a round of mini golf & go-karts for just $10 more. If the weather is not agreeable to outside fun, laser tag & bumper cars will be available.

Show this flyer and Tenn Pin will donate 20% of proceeds to CMS
A bee pollinates a pink flower in a field of green grass with butterflies flying overhead. The text reads 'Spring Behaviors'.

Inappropriate Behaviors Are Being Disciplined

"Spring behaviors" in middle school typically refer to increased restlessness, distractions, and potential disengagement from academics. Students often begin exhibiting inappropriate behaviors like public displays of affection, horseplaying, excessive talking, losing focus and other heightened energy levels due to the warmer weather and longer days. 
We ask you to speak with your student to reiterate the importance of keeping their hands to themselves. Students should not be touching another student for any reason. Guardians should not be surprised as administration continues to issue consequences that may include detentions, suspensions or alternative school.
Colorful wooden blocks spell out 'FUN' with the word 'Friday' written in yellow below.

Fun Fridays

Students earn the opportunity to have a bit of outside fun every Friday and visit the concession stand by meeting the following expectations:
  • Must have ID badge
  • No missing assignments
  • No tardies to class
  • No ISS, OSS or detention
A blue megaphone with yellow lightning bolts, announcing important messages from Dr. Potts.

Quick Reminders

  • Hoods & blankets cannot be worn in the building
  • Students must keep their hands to themselves
  • No running in the halls
  • Gum is not allowed
  • Dress code shirts must be worn under all jackets & hoodies
  • Yoga pants are not dress code appropriate
  • Midriffs cannot be exposed
  • Cell phones must be stored in lockers
  • No perfumes, body spray, aerosolized bottles at school
  • Students cannot be dropped off before 7AM
  • No early sign outs after 2:15pm
  • Government issued ID required to enter the building
School Website

After School Tutoring

Tutoring is available for all students immediately after school Monday - Thursday. Parents must pick students up by 4pm. If this becomes an issue your child will be eliminated from afternoon tutoring.

Tutoring has resumed for 2025

A graphic design featuring the letter C, a bear mascot, and a school logo with the text 'Spring Hill High School Est. 1985 Raiders'.

Rising 8th Graders Going To High School

We encourage our rising 8th graders and guardians to start following the social media of their intended High School. High Schools are beginning to gather interest for the 25/26 school year. While we try to pass along information, we don't always know what appeals to every student. We encourage you to start communicating with the high schools regarding your areas of interest.
CHHS Facebook Page
BCHS Facebook Page
SHHS Facebook Page
A blue shield with a white cross, a vial of vaccine, and a syringe, with the text '7th Grade Requires Immunizations' and red stylized viruses in the background.

7th grade Immunizations

A reminder to our current 6th grade state law, all incoming 7th graders are required to have updated immunizations prior to starting 7th grade. Please take this time to schedule an appointment with your health care provider. Please do not wait until the week before school starts to complete this task. Inevitably, people wait until the last minute and providers are generally already booked.

A detailed letter will be coming home with your 6th grader in the next few weeks.
A clipboard with the word 'ATTENDANCE' at the top, showing a checklist with four checkmarks and four orange person icons.

Attendance Reminders

We take your students attendance seriously. Your student cannot learn & grow academically if they are not at school. We realize occasional absences are inevitable, so as we start the second semester, a few attendance reminders:
  • All excuse notes must be submitted within 5 days of original absence
  • Notes can be hand delivered to the office or emailed to
  • 5 parent notes allowed per semester, not applicable if a truancy referral is in place
  • Every 4 tardies to school, 4 early sign outs or combination is considered 1 unexcused absence
  • Early sign outs before 11:15am is a full day absence
  • 5 unexcused absences results in a letter & school truancy meeting
  • 10 unexcused absences results in a letter
  • 12 unexcused absences a truancy referral is made and court proceedings can occur
More attendance information can be found on our website or MCPS board policy 6.200
Example calendar with dates pinned

Student Meals

All students eat breakfast and lunch for free. You may add money to your student's account at OR have your student bring money to the cafeteria to fund their account for extra treats. Please click the link below to view the menus.
Breakfast Menu
Lunch Menu

Before & After School Clubs


Cougar Sports Schedules

A schedule for Lady Cougars Softball and E.A. Cox Middle School Soccer and Baseball games.
cms logo with cougar

Contact info

If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact us. You can reach out via the following links: