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Newsletter for the week of Feb 16th

Posted Date: 2/16/25 (5:58 PM)

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E.A. Cox Middle School
February 2025
Hello Cougar Families
It's Sunday, February 16th. There is no school tomorrow in honor of President's Day. Students will return on Tuesday. School opens at 7am and classes start at 7:45am.

We hope everyone is feeling better after the extended time away from school. If your student is still sick, please refer to the information below to help you decide when it's appropriate to send a student to school.
A chart with emojis and text outlining when to stay home from school due to illness and when it is safe to return.
Please help us prevent spreading germs. We ask that you not send your student to school with a fever, vomiting or diarrhea. Students should be symptom free for 24 hours without the use of medicines before returning to school. We also encourage frequent hand washing or use of hand sanitizer, along with sneezing or coughing into your elbow. If your student is absent due to illness, please send excuses to our attendance clerk at Guardians are allowed to send up to 5 parent notes this semester and of course if your student goes to the doctor, please have your student return with a doctor's note. We appreciate your efforts as we all try to keep our students and staff healthy!
A white card with the text 'Valentine's Dance Rescheduled February 28th 3PM - 5PM' surrounded by red and white hearts.
Valentine's Day Dance -RESCHEDULED
CMS Cheer team invites all students to join us on Feb. 28th from 3-5pm for a DJ dance party. Tickets already purchased are still valid.
  • On-line tickets will be available the week of the dance. We will post the link when tickets are on sale.
  • Concessions will be available.
  • No money will be accepted in the office on behalf of a student
  • Students need to be picked up at 5pm sharp at the back of the school.
  • Dress code applies
No Perfumes, Body Sprays or Aerosolized Scents
Students are not to bring bottles of aerosolized scents to school. The ban includes all perfumes, body sprays, spray deodorant, air fresheners, etc. These items can cause allergic reactions for both staff/students and are not allowed at school.
A red circle with a diagonal line through it, depicting a spray bottle with a mist coming out.
A flyer for a cheerleader parent meeting at E. A. Cox Middle School, with photos of cheerleaders holding pom-poms.
Interested in Cheer?
Come talk to Coach Lexi on March 3rd, 5-6pm in the library. Students who will be in grades 6-8 for the 25/26 school year.
A graphic illustration of a photographer holding a camera with the text 'Sports Pics' and 'February 28' below. The text 'Track, Softball, Baseball, Boys Soccer' is listed below.
Sports Pictures - Feb. 28
Track, Softball, Baseball & Boys Soccer will have team photos along with individual photos taken on Feb. 28th. Please make sure your athlete brings their clean uniform to school.
A blue megaphone with yellow lightning bolts, announcing important messages from Dr. Potts.
Student Reminders
  • Hoods cannot be worn in the building
  • Students must keep their hands to themselves
  • No running in the halls
  • Gum is not allowed
  • Dress code shirts must be worn under all jackets & hoodies
  • Yoga pants are not dress code appropriate
  • Midriffs cannot be exposed
  • Cell phones must be stored in lockers
  • No perfumes, body spray, aerosolized bottles at school
A man in a uniform stands in front of E.A. Cox Middle School.
Deputy Frazier
A man in a sheriff's uniform stands in front of an American flag.
Sergeant Fortenbery
School Resource Officer Appreciation Day - Feb 15
Thank you both for your commitment to safety, trust, and community. We appreciate your daily presence on our campus.
After School Tutoring
Tutoring is available for all students immediately after school Monday - Thursday. Parents must pick students up by 4pm. If this becomes an issue your child will be eliminated from afternoon tutoring.

Tutoring has resumed for 2025

A black and white yearbook cover with the title '2025 Yearbook' and the school name 'E A Cox Middle School'. The cover also includes the price of $35 and the last day to order, 3/24/25.
Yearbook Order
Order your yearbook today. Price will increase after March 1, 2025
A black and red graphic ad for 8th grade yearbook ads at E.A. Cox Middle School.
8th Grade Yearbook Ads
Limited number of "ad spaces" available for 8th grade students.
Order Yearbook Here
A poster for Battle Creek High School Basketball Cheer, featuring a bear mascot, dates 2025 and 2026, and an interest meeting on March 6th.
Rising 8th Graders Going To High School
We encourage our rising 8th graders and guardians to start following the social media of their intended High School. High Schools are beginning to gather interest for the 25/26 school year. While we try to pass along information, we don't always know what appeals to every student. We encourage you to start communicating with the high schools regarding your areas of interest.
BCHS Facebook Page
CHHS Facebook Page
SHHS Facebook Page
MCPS Official Website
Attendance Reminders
We take your students attendance seriously. Your student cannot learn & grow academically if they are not at school. We realize occasional absences are inevitable, so as we start the second semester, a few attendance reminders:
  • All excuse notes must be submitted within 5 days of original absence
  • Notes can be hand delivered to the office or emailed to
  • 5 parent notes allowed per semester, not applicable if a truancy referral is in place
  • Every 4 tardies to school, 4 early sign outs or combination is considered 1 unexcused absence
  • Early sign outs before 11:15am is a full day absence
  • 5 unexcused absences results in a letter & school truancy meeting
  • 10 unexcused absences results in a letter
  • 12 unexcused absences a truancy referral is made and court proceedings can occur
More attendance information can be found on our website or MCPS board policy 6.200

A construction sign with yellow and black stripes warns that Tom J Hitch is closed due to bridge repairs. The sign directs drivers to use Highway 31 as an alternate route.
Road Closed - Detour
Tom J Hitch will be closed starting Jan. 13 from Iron Bridge Rd to Bear Creek Pike. Traffic will be re-routed to Hwy 31. Please adjust your travel times to ensure timely arrivals at both EA Cox & Randolph Howell. Road closure is expected to last several weeks while actual construction is expected to last to summer. We are not anticipating any changes to the bus schedules but should any arise, changes will be communicated through MCPS transportation department.
Students arriving at school after 7:45am are considered tardy. 4 unexcused tardies to school equals 1 unexcused absence per MCPS board policy 6.200
Fun Fridays Are Back for 2025
Students earn the opportunity to have a bit of fun every Friday and visit the concession stand by meeting the following expectations:
  • Must have ID badge
  • No missing assignments
  • No tardies to class
  • No ISS, OSS or detention

Colorful wooden blocks spell out 'FUN' with the word 'Friday' written in yellow below.
A yellow speech bubble with a black outline on a red background with white dots, the speech bubble says 'IMPORTANT INFORMATION' in black and white text.
Important Reminders
  • Students cannot be dropped off before 7am
  • Students arriving after 7:45am are considered tardy
  • No early sign outs after 2:15pm
  • Students not staying for authorized after school activities must be picked up by 3pm
  • Government issued ID is required to enter our building
  • Cell phones are to be stored in lockers. Students should not have personal devices during school hours. Confiscated phones must be picked up by a guardian
  • We enforce MCPS dress code. Students must be covered from shoulders to 3" above the knee. Ripped clothing above the knee must be covered with underlying fabric. Leggings & yoga pants are not allowed unless worn with a tunic type top. House shoes, hats and hoodies are not to be worn in the building. Full dress code can be found on our website
School Website
Student Meals
All students eat breakfast and lunch for free. You may add money to your student's account at OR have your student bring money to the cafeteria to fund their account for extra treats. Please click the link below to view the menus.
Example calendar with dates pinned
Breakfast Menu
Lunch Menu
Before & After School Clubs
Cougar Sports Schedules
A schedule for Lady Cougars Softball, E.A. Cox Soccer, and E.A. Cox Middle School Baseball games.
cms logo with cougar
Contact info
If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact us. You can reach out via the following links: